"We swear by the Southern Cross to stand truly by each other and fight to defend our rights and liberties."
Thursday, December 30, 2010
The imperialists and nationalism.
I, and I'm sure everyone has noticed the anti-refugee sentiment that pervades large sectors of society. The reason for this is not that we as a nation are naturally xenophobic or racist, as some other groups and individuals on the Australian left have subtly or not so subtly suggested. The bare facts are that anti-refugee sentiment is stirred up by all sectors of the media and by the imperialist lackeys that we have for elected officials (Messrs. Abbott, Gillard and co.) on behalf of the imperialists and monopoly capitalists. Why would the imperialists want this idea to be propagated? Simply because this anti-refugee sentiment gives the Australian populace an outlet for their nationalism, a nationalism that if correctly harnessed, would rightly be unleashed against the Yankee imperialists and eventually result in true National Independence for Australia. This is one of the tasks we must continue on diligently, showing the Australian people that the enemy is by no means a minute amount of people risking their lives to flee persecution and find a better life, but instead the imperialists that are tearing the heart out of our nation!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Keep Yankee hands off our culture and medicine!
In 2011 the Australia/U.S.A Free Trade agreement comes up for negotiation once again. Australian Foreign Minister Simon Crean is on record as saying in relation to the negotiation process that 'everything is on the table'. Two things in particular that I'd like to draw attention to are being eyed off in particular by the Yanks. The first one is the quotas that we have in place that our television stations are required to comply with. Without these quotas, I'm willing to go out on a limb and say there would be no Australian produced shows on the commercial networks due to the fact that buying a the rights to a show from the U.S is so much cheaper than producing local content. If these quotas were to go it would be yet another blow to the already eroding Australian culture and another boon for the cheap and nasty Yankee 'coca cola' culture pervading society. But more importantly, this means that the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) is up for negotiation. The multinational Yankee drug companies (Pfizer, Proctor and Gamble etc.) have long seen the PBS as a barrier to their full exploitation of a 'captive market', the subsidising of these essential drugs has been cutting into their profits for years and without doubt, the US government will be pushing hard in negotiations to have the PBS scrapped. We cannot allow this to happen.
I implore all progressive forces in Australia to mobilize on the streets next year to send the message out to Crean and the others in the rag-tag bunch of lackeys that calls itself the 'Labor' Party that under no circumstances are we willing to let them cede our Culture to the U.S, and that we especially will not let them take our PBS for the sake of their profit margin!
I implore all progressive forces in Australia to mobilize on the streets next year to send the message out to Crean and the others in the rag-tag bunch of lackeys that calls itself the 'Labor' Party that under no circumstances are we willing to let them cede our Culture to the U.S, and that we especially will not let them take our PBS for the sake of their profit margin!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Eureka! I think it's more than appropriate that my first post pertains to the birth of the 'Australian Spirit' and the birth of the independence movement and anti-elitist and anti-imperialist sentiment in this country. The courageous struggle waged by the extremely unjustly treated miners, from all nations on earth that banded together under their flag in order to fight for their rights and liberties is the shining example by which those seeking an independent, socialist Australia need look to when in need of inspiration. The courageous actions of the men at Bakery Hill stand for everything we value, and seek to bring out to the maximum in our society, the values of multiculturalism, of rights and liberties for the all, not just the colonial elites, and anti- British imperialism. The imperialism in our society today may now be that of the US but the sentiment is exactly the same. It's time for Australian workers to heed the spirit of Eureka, and rise up once more to assert our independence from the scourge of Yankee imperialism.
"We swear by the Southern Cross to stand truly by each other and fight to defend our rights and liberties."
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